Emily is a professional speaker who has given talks for clients such as Google, Pixar, MIT, Texas Instruments, the Space Foundation, CERN and many more. She's given three TEDx talks garnering over 700,000 views, and has shared her message of science and space advocacy with educators, professionals, thought leaders, K-12 classrooms, and Universities around the world. See below for speaking topics.

Emily speaks on these 6 primary areas:

  1. Space Exploration Advocacy - Why space exploration and space-based technologies are worth the effort and the investment. Essentially, how is space exploration helping life here on Earth?

  2. Space Industry Economics - An overview of the innovation occurring and the economics involved in the space industry today. Essentially, how has the space industry changed and where is it heading?

  3. Women in STEM and the Imporance of Diversity - Emily's experiences as a woman in STEM, stats and insights of women in STEM today, issues that arise when we exclude groups of people from innovation in STEM and recommendations on how to improve this

  4. Students in STEM - (works well for K-12 + Universities) Emily's life story, fun adventures she's found in her career, why she fell in love with space and science, and her recommendations to younger students on how to succeed at life.

  5. Science Literacy - Why science literacy is important for everyone, not just scientists and engineers. How being from West Virginia has influenced her approach to science communication. Advice for teachers and science communicators on how to teach science in a way that speaks to your specific audience. Essentially, how do we make America more scientifically literate?

  6. Changing Minds and Empathetic Science Communication - How do we work to make the public more scientifically literate. How do we bridge the gap between what the public believes and scientific consensus?

Emily is also available for fireside chats and panels. She welcomes all audience questions and loves to leave time for Q&A.

Presentations can be tailored to various audience demographics and preferences.

If you are interested in booking Emily for speaking please contact Kyell Thomas at Kyell.Thomas@octagon.com.